Mind-Body Skills Program

What could college be like with a healthier, more connected YOU?

Take care of yourself and elevate your wellbeing by joining our innovative and CALES Mind-Body Skills Program!

This 8-week cohort-based training will give you the skills you need to thrive on your college journey. Our evidence-based training equips you with a toolkit of powerful techniques like:

  • Mindfulness
  • Biofeedback
  • Meditation and relaxation practices
  • Guided imagery
  • Movement and breathwork
  • Journal writing and drawing

Immerse yourself in a supportive community of like-minded students to experience shared growth and understanding, and benefit from the ongoing mentorship of a licensed therapist and certified Mind-Body practitioner. 

How will my life change in the CALES Mind-Body Skills Program?

Studies show that students who participate in a Mind-Body Skills Program...

  • Experience less stress
  • Develop their empathy
  • Sleep better
  • Improve their mental health
  • Increase their resiliency
  • Boost their focus

How to Apply

Applications are now closed for the Spring 2024 CALES Mind-Body Skills Program.

Program meeting dates

The Spring 2024 CALES Mind-Body Skills Program will have two cohorts, one offered online and one offered in person. 

Cohort 1: (8) Zoom events, February 13-April 9 (no meeting over Spring Break), Tuesdays, 2-4 p.m.

Cohort 2: (8) In-person events, February 14-April 10 (no meeting over Spring Break), Wednesdays, 10 a.m.-12 p.m., campus location TBD.