ALN logo; link to Arid Lands Newsletter Home page No. 59, August 2007
What's so special about drylands?

Price: Figures 7 and 8: Kangaroo rat and Spinifex hopping mouse

Figure 7 (right)
A young desert kangaroo rat (Dipodomys deserti ) from the Mojave Desert of California, USA. Note the huge hind feet, adapted for rapid hopping locomotion. This baby animal is learning to pick up seeds (the orange objects are canary seeds) and to place them into the external fur-lined pouches on either side of its mouth. Image credit: Mark A. Chappell, University of California, Riverside.

Baby Kangaroo rat learning seed caching behavior
Figure 8 (right).
Spinifex hopping mouse (Notomys alexis ) from the deserts of central Australia, in the same pose as the kangaroo rat of Figure 7. Image credit: Aaron Greenville, The University of Sydney.
Spinifex hopping mouse

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