Performance Reviews: Information for ALVSCE Supervisors

Every benefits-eligible employee is required to receive a performance review annually. Career Conversations is the recommended format for Staff/Postdocs in the Division of Agriculture, Life and Veterinary Sciences, and Cooperative Extension. UA Vitae is the annual performance report used for all University of Arizona Faculty. Annual reviews for student employees are not required, but highly recommended. Suggest using the same Career Conversation form and time period as staff/postdocs. Reviews for Graduate Assistant/Associates please see the GA Manual

If you are a manager or supervisor who holds an annual conversation with your employees (hint: that should be all managers and supervisors of benefits-eligible employees), and you want to improve how you have these conversations, click here to watch the workshop for supervisors on Career Conversations, Effective Feedback & Worthwhile 1:1s provided by former HR Consultants, Marisela Celaya and Dustin Green (03/03/2017). There are also various trainings available in EDGE Learning partnering with Linked In!

For up to date resources and FAQ's for non-Faculty/GA reviews, please go to Human Resources Career Conversations page. All reviews for non-Faculty/GA's are completed April-June. 

Faculty annual review need to include an updated Position Description for the next fiscal year. All faculty annual reviews typically take place in February, March and April. 

Academic and administrative unit heads and all those who report to Vice President Burgess have their annual performance review following their unit's annual review by the Executive Council. These reviews typically take place in February, March and April.

Five-year Administrative Reviews

Per UHAP 5.3, all department heads, school directors, deans, and other designated administrators will have a five-year administrative review in order to provide an opportunity outside of the annual performance review to assess long-range goals and objectives. The Office of the Vice President coordinates these reviews each year using procedures set forth by UHAP and the Office of Faculty Affairs.