Collection and Storage of Agricultural Animal Wastes and Wastewater (Worksheet #6)

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Why should you be concerned?

Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) are regulated by the federal Clean Water Act, and by Arizona's Environmental Quality Act.

The greatest management concern with animal wastes is the movement of nitrate into water supplies. Health problems in humans and livestock can result from excessive levels of nitrate in drinking water. The risk of nitrate pollution increases when livestock manure or other organic materials, such as compost, milk parlor wastewater, or corral runoff, are stored. This is especially true on CAFOs where animals and their wastes are confined to a relatively small area. A typical Arizona dairy of 1000 cows produces an amount of wastes equivalent to a community of 10,000 to 22,000 people. Because the potential for groundwater contamination from a CAFO is great, proper collection and storage of animal wastes is essential.

The waste storage facility for every CAFO must be built to safely contain all stored wastes prior to reuse. A waste management system that is not constructed, maintained and operated properly may overflow, leak, or break, and cause extensive property and environmental damage.

What can you do?

Manage your facility so that it will comply with state laws. Best Management Practices (BMPs) are rules and goal statements mandated by the state which CAFO owner/operators must meet to minimize the discharge of nitrogen pollutants from their facilities. Guidance Practices (GPs) are the technical methods used to achieve the BMP goals.

By following these guidelines, you should be able to minimize the risk of contaminating your drinking water supplies:

1. Follow the state-mandated BMPs and GPs for CAFOs.

2. Develop and follow a waste system management plan. Contact the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) or a qualified private engineer to help you develop a sound plan.

3. Make sure the waste management system is in good condition. Check it regularly for leaks or damage, and make repairs promptly.

4. Make sure your waste management system will hold all wastes produced on your farm. The size of the system depends upon how long the product will be stored before it is reused.

5. Check the waste management system for safety. Fences and warning signs are recommended.

6. Keep clean water clean and manage your wastewater.

Page updated 7/02

Acronyms and selected definitions

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