University of Arizona

Public Health IPM in Community Environments


Gila River Indian Community Public Health IPM Workshop Presentations and Certificate


Completion Certificate (PDF, 240 KB)
Introduction to Integrated Pest Management (PDF, 4.6 MB)
Head Lice and Scabies (PDF, 20.7 MB)
Cockroaches (PDF, 4.7 MB)
Ticks - Biology and Management (PDF, 21.3 MB)
Mosquitoes (PDF, 5.4 MB)
Bed bugs - in home, in schools, in childcare facilities, in medical centers, in fire stations! (PDF, 29.3 MB)


EPA Region 9 Tribal Conference Field Day (October 22, 2019) Presentations


Communicating Pesticide Risks (PDF, 2.3MB)


Navajo Nation IPM Workshop (March 19-20, 2019) Presentations


Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Best Practices and Philosophy (PowerPoint, 31.7MB)
Pests in Indoor Environmentals - Itchy and Non-Itchy (PowerPoint, 48.8MB)
Bed Bug Biology (PowerPoint, 71.4MB)
Bed Bug Management and Pesticide Resistance in Bed Bugs (PowerPoint, 17.9MB)
Brown Dog Tick Biology and Control of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF) (PowerPoint, 9.5MB)
Mosquitoes Biology and Current Mosquito-Borne Virus Disease Concerns (PowerPoint, 21MB)
Pesticides Safety and Activity (PowerPoint, 11.7MB)


Biting and Venomous Arthropods (PowerPoint, 52.6MB)
Head Lice Biology and Management (PowerPoint, 24.3MB)
Rodent Biology and Management (PowerPoint, 89.4MB)
Current Arbovirus Concerns on Tribal Lands: Epidemiology and Management (PowerPoint, 88.7MB)
Cockroaches Biology and Management (PowerPoint, 14.7MB)
Pest Identification Activity (PowerPoint, 4.2MB)


A New Invasive Tick in the United States - Longhorned Tick


Team Members
Bed Bugs
Head Lice and Body Lice
Conenose Bugs
Pesticide Safety
Current Home IPM Newsletter
Selected Classes, Trainings and Work Shops
Video: Venomous Arthropods
Video: Wild Honey Bees

Public Health IPM Leadership Team

Purpose and Background

Purpose. The Public Health IPM Leadership Team serves as an executive committee that provides direction to the public health IPM components of our Extension IPM Program. Our multi-disciplinary Public Health IPM Leadership Team has experts from diverse fields relevant to public health pests and pesticide health issues. Specifically, this team will guide the activities of Assistant in Extension for Public Health IPM, Shujuan (Lucy) Li.

Team Members

Shujuan (Lucy) Li, Assistant in Extension, Public Health IPM (Team Coordinator)
Dawn Gouge, Entomology, Public Health IPM, School & housing IPM
Kathleen Walker, Entomology, Mosquito/Insect Vectors
Kacey Ernst, Epidemiology & Biostatistics, Vector-borne Disease
Paula Rivadeneira, Soil, Water & Environmental Science, Food Safety & Wildlife
Trent Teegerstrom, Agricultural & Resource Economics, Tribal Extension & Economics
Peter Ellsworth, Entomology, IPM & Pesticide Coordinator, APMC

Housing IPM Project Team

Purpose and Background

Purpose. We will work with low-income elder/disabled housing facilities in Arizona, providing inspections and IPM recommendations to facilitate implementation of sustainable IPM strategies. We will provide IPM training for facility management teams and residents and measure changes in awareness, knowledge, skills, behavior and condition with respect to resident chemical use practices, bed bug avoidance and mitigation, and adoption of sustainable IPM strategies.

Through an existing national survey co-authored by PDs, we will identify constraints to greater adoption of IPM approaches for bed bug avoidance and mitigation, including acquisition risk factors, management practices, pesticide use, and personal and social impacts of bed bug infestations. Results from this survey will inform development of education materials to create public awareness and understanding of IPM programs for bed bugs and their economic, health and environmental benefits, through on-site education programs and through a national network of collaborators, that will maximize our impacts by adapting and disseminating the outreach materials that are developed.

Grant Citation: Gouge, D.H., S. Li, A.J. Fournier. National Assessment of Bed Bug Impacts and Demonstration of IPM in Highrisk Elder/Disabled Housing Facility. USDA-NIFA Applied Research and Development Program $124,998. (Sept 2014-Aug 2016).

Team Members

Dawn Gouge, Entomology, Public Health IPM, School & housing IPM
Shujuan (Lucy) Li, Assistant in Extension, Public Health IPM
Al Fournier, Entomology, IPM Assessment, IPM Program Manager, APMC
Shaku Nair, Assistant in Extension, Community IPM
Peter Ellsworth, Entomology, IPM & Pesticide Coordinator, APMC


Roni Grittman, Housing Supervisor at City of Phoenix Housing Department; Dave Stone, Director of National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC); Ruth Kerzee, Executive Director of Midwest Pesticide Action Center (MPAC); Douglas Marsh, Laboratory Director of Arizona Department of Agriculture; Fang Zhu, Research Associate of Department of Entomology at Washington State University; Efrem Epstein, New York Resident.



Bed Bugs - Love At First Bite


Presentation at the XXV International Congress of Entomology (ICE 2016): Extreme pesticide use in response to Cimex lectularius and Blattella germanica infestations
Presentation at the XXV International Congress of Entomology (ICE 2016): Life quality impacts of bed bug infestations
Poster for the 8th International IPM symposium
Poster Abstract for the 8th International IPM symposium

Bed bug infested units at site A in Phoenix
Cockroach infested units at site A in Phoenix
OTC Pesticides used by residents at site A in Phoenix


ARDP final report: What was accomplished under these goals
ARDP final report: Appendix 1
ARDP final report: Appendix 2
ARDP final report: Appendix 3
ARDP final report: Appendix 4
ARDP final report: Outputs
Bed bug survey report in Sep 2014
Bed bug survey report in Nov 2014
Bed bug survey report in June 2015
Bed bug survey report in Nov 2015
Bed bug journey learning objectives
Pesticide residue summary from infested units at site A in Phoenix
Whole building assessment at site A in Phoenix


Bed Bug Publications
Bed bug adventure game
Poster - Bed Bugs Integrated Pest Management
Bed Bugs Information Card
Bed Bug Control - What Landlords and Tenants in Multi-Family Housing Need to Know in Arizona (AZ1563)
Preventing and Treating Bed Bugs (AZ1580)
Bed Bugs (AZ1625)
AZ1642 Poster: Practical Methods of Controlling Bed Bugs at Home
Cooperative Extension AZ1642: Practical Methods of Controlling Bed Bugs at Home


Bed Bug Presentations
EEK - Vectors and Public Health Pests Virtual Conference: Bed bugs in Elderly and Disabled, Low-income Housing - Getting Real!
EEK - Vectors and Public Health Pests Virtual Conference: Bed bug infestations Impact quality of life
Bed bugs and head lice (Powerpoint, 47.7 MB)
Bed bugs, lice and scabies (Powerpoint, 55.8 MB)
Don't let the bed bugs bite (Powerpoint, 85.5 MB)


IPM Mosquito Management - Fight the Bite


Lo que debe saber sobre los repelentes de mosquitos y garrapatas (What you should know about mosquito and tick repellents Spanish) (PDF, 1.6MB).
What you should know about mosquito and tick repellents (PDF, 1.6MB).
No-See-Ums (PDF, 508KB).
Mosquito and Tick Repellents (PDF, 1MB).
Human Disease Causing Viruses Vectored by Mosquitoes (PDF, 1.6MB).
Mosquitoes: Biology and Integrated Mosquito Management (AZ1706).
EEK - Vectors and Public Health Pests Virtual Conference: Mosquitoes and Mosquito-borne Pathogens
Zika Virus (PDF, 1.3 MB).
Mosquito-borne Diseases and Mosquito IPM (PDF, 1.3 MB).
Mosquitoes (AZ1221).
IPM Mosquito Management - Fight the Bite (PDF, 324KB).


Head Lice and Body Lice






IPM Short: Head Lice in Schools (PDF, 1.3 MB).
Head Lice Parent Letter (Word Document, 25KB).
Head Lice (AZ1687) (PDF, 1.3 MB).
Pesticide Resistant Head Lice
Head Lice Pest Press, September 2015 (PDF, 610KB).
Body Lice Pest Press, February 2015 (PDF, 512KB).


Conenose Bugs>

Arizona Conenose Bugs



Honey Bees in Community Enrironments - Identification and Biology
Integrated Pest Management for Wild Honey Bees in Community Enrironments


Pesticide Safety

Weed control choices for turf and landscapes
Associated product brands include Roundup
Why Pesticide Application Notifications in Schools are Important
Caution! Warning! Danger! Understanding Signal Words on Pesticide Labels
Water Soluble Packaging (WSP)


Current Home IPM Newsletter

Arizona's Biting, Stinging, and Infecting Arthropods (PDF, 2 MB).

November 2019 (PDF, 500KB). Featuring Bed Bugs Information for Home Care Providers and Welfare Workers

October 2019 (PDF, 524KB). Featuring Fall Pests and Pest-proofing Tips

September 2019 (PDF, 709KB). Featuring Mosquitoes

March 2019 (PDF, 819KB). Featuring Spring Weed Control in Lawns and Landscapes

February 2019 (PDF, 488KB). Featuring Green Cleaning

January 2019 (PDF, 674KB). Featuring IPM for Microorganisms with a Focus on Influenza Viruses

October 2018 (PDF, 1.3MB). Featuring Flea-borne Typhus

September 2018 (PDF, 680kB). Featuring Fire Ants Managements

August 2018 (PDF, 633kB). Featuring Fire Ants

July 2018 (PDF, 734kB). Featuring No-see-ums

June 2018 (PDF, 693kB). Featuring Managing Scorpions

May 2018 (PDF, 602kB). Featuring Summer Preparation Guidance for Summer Management Teams

March 2018 (PDF, 611kB). Featuring Spring Preemergency Weed Control in Lawns

February 2018 (PDF, 336kB). Featuring IPM for Microorganisms - Focus on Flu Part 2

January 2018 (PDF, 467kB). Featuring IPM for Microorganisms: Cleaning, Disinfecting, and Sanitizing

September 2017 (PDF, 222kB). Featuring Rabies

August 2017 (PDF, 441kB). Featuring IPM for Microorganisms: Cleaning, Disinfecting, and Sanitizing

July 2017 (PDF, 406kB). Featuring Mosquito and Tick Repellents

June 2017 (PDF, 663kB). Featuring 2017 Great Arizona Mosquito Hunt

May 2017 (PDF, 467kB). Featuring Human Disease-Causing Viruses Vectored by Mosquitoes

April 2017 (PDF, 721kB). Featuring IPM STAR Certification

March 2017 (PDF, 252kB). Featuring IPM for Microorganisms

February 2017 (PDF, 452kB). Featuring Stop School Pests

January 2017 (PDF, 401kB). Featuring CDC On-line Classes

September 2016 (PDF, 852kB). Featuring Ants

August 2016 (PDF, 505kB). Featuring Mosquitoes

July 2016 (PDF, 455kB). Featuring Annual Great Arizona Mosquito Hunt and Fight the Bite

June 2016 (PDF, 938kB). Featuring Online IPM Resources

May 2016 (PDF, 1.1MB). Featuring Wild Honey Bees in Community Environments

April 2016 (PDF, 913KB). Featuring Zika and IPM Weed Control

March 2016 (PDF, 827KB). Featuring Pesticide Safety and IPM Weed Control

February 2016 (PDF, 520KB). Featuring Pesticide Application Notification in Schools and Zika Virus

January 2016 (PDF, 598KB). Featuring Kissing Bugs

November 2015 (PDF, 676KB). Featuring Rodents IPM

October 2015 (PDF, 406KB). Featuring School IPM and Fig Beetles

September 2015 (PDF, 610KB). Featuring Head Lice

August 2015 (PDF, 635KB). Featuring Mosquito-borne Diseases and Mosquito IPM

July 2015 (PDF, 909KB). Featuring School IPM Plan and Giant Mesquite Bugs

June 2015 (PDF, 479KB). Featuring Pests on Landscape Plants

May 2015 (PDF, 594KB). Featuring Ficus Whitefly

April 2015 (PDF, 422KB). Featuring Filth, Fruit and Drain Flies

March 2015 (PDF, 406KB). Featuring Poison Prevention and Pesticide Safety

February 2015 (PDF, 512KB). Featuring Body Lice

December 2014 (PDF, 346KB). Featuring Rodents: Get them out of your school, house and yard, part II

November 2014 (PDF, 455KB). Featuring Rodents: Get them out of your school, house and yard, part I

October 2014 (PDF, 430KB). Featuring Mosquito IPM and Bed Bug Survey

September 2014 (PDF, 606KB). Featuring Fall Landscape Checklist and Fire Ant Stings

August 2014 (PDF, 881KB). Featuring Healthy Turf

July 2014 (PDF, 572KB). Featuring Rabies

June 2014 (PDF, 725KB). Featuring Scorpions



Selected Classes, Trainings and Work Shops

Biology and Control of Vectors and Public Health Pests: The Importance of Integrated Pest Management
Colorado Environmental Health Association, Glendale, CO 80246, November 5-7, 2014.

IPM Denver Agenda Final
Don't Let the Bed Bug Bite
Health effects AZ
Special considerations for schools


Integrated Pest Management Work Shop Ð Schools and Institutions
Gila River Indian Community Department of Environmental Quality, Chandler, Arizona July 15, 2014.

IPM Workshop Agenda Final
Why and How IPM Makes Good Sense
Preventative Pest Management
Manage Head Lice
Bed Bugs: Biology, Behavior and Control
Ticks Biology and Control



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Copyright © 2006 University of Arizona,
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Webmaster: Al Fournier (apmc@cals.arizona.edu)