
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at the University of Arizona


A ED 301: Youth Leadership Development, 232A Forbes

Fall Semester 1997, James Knight, Ph.D.

Phone: 621-9144, e-mail:


Major Purposes

Specific Objectives




Office Hours

Grading Information


Chronological Topical Outline

Reading Assignments


Characteristics of effective advisors; leadership styles; strategies for the management and organization of youth groups in agriculture; practice in leadership development techniques.


To formulate basic concepts regarding the role of youth organizations in vitalizing instruction.

To develop a reservoir of student activities which will help to accomplish desired educational objectives.

To develop insights on how agricultural education and FFA contribute to youth leadership development.

To develop materials and techniques useful in applying principles of leadership development.


To describe the role of youth organizations in motivating students and vitalizing instruction in agricultural education.

To describe the characteristics of basic leadership behavior patterns.

To identify the role and duties of the advisor as they relate to the management, organization and development of effective youth organizations.

To identify the characteristics of a successful youth organization.

To design and develop a plan for carrying out a meaningful youth organization program of activities.

To design an effective local officer election and development program.

To develop proficiency in the skills necessary to run an efficient and effective business meeting for youth organizations.

To develop the ability to use group dynamic techniques for greater group participation.

To identify the objectives of vocational education in agriculture at the secondary school level.

To describe the role of youth organizations as they relate to their various educational purposes.



Kouzes, J. And Posner, B., The Leadership Challenge.

Class Notes available in the Student Bookstore


National FFA Organization, Official Manual.

National FFA Organization and USDE, FFA Student Handbook.

On Loan (AgEd Office):

National FFA Organization, FFA Advisor’s Handbook.

Barrick, Cano, and Elliot, The FFA and You, Dec. 94.

On Loan (Dr. Knight’s Office):

Cohen, W. A. (1990). The Art of the Leader.

Covey, S. R. (1990). Principle-Centered Leadership.

Phillips, D. T. (1993). Lincoln on Leadership.

Manske, F. A. (1990). Secrets of Effective Leadership.

Covey, Merrill, & Merrill, (1994). First Things First.

Bennis, W. (1989). On Becoming a Leader.


Practical Leadership Development Activities

Role of Youth Organizations

Characteristics and Development of Leadership

Duties of the Advisor

Characteristics of an Effective Youth Organization

Leadership Techniques and Tools

Management and Organization of Youth Organizations


Attend all class sessions. The policy on absences and late work will be followed.

Participate in class discussions and projects.

Complete all assignments, quizzes and examinations.

Visit local youth groups and submit written Leadership Activity Record Cards as per assignment sheet on leadership development activities.

Complete the Leadership Development Activities for the laboratory.

Develop a Program of Activities for a youth organization as per assigned format. Include a Budget and Calendar of Activities.

Develop a process for officer selection utilizing a nominating committee.

Develop a training program for newly elected officers according to the guidelines outlined in the class session on this topic.

Participate as a member in a parliamentary procedure activity.

Serve as a chair and conduct a parliamentary procedure activity for at least 10 minutes.

Prepare and submit three written assignments designed to direct individual leadership growth.


The instructor will have regularly scheduled office hours and will be available on other occasions by appointment. The schedule of office hours will be given in class and will be indicated outside of the office. In addition, students may make appointment with the instructor before or after class, by phone or by e-mail.


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Syllabus  Written Assignments  Outside Lab Assignments  What is Leadership?  Self Concept   Parliamentary Procedure  Leadership Ideas  Win/Lose   Power  What is an Advisor?  What is a Program of Activities?  Effective Youth Organizations  Selecting/Electing Officers  Officer Guidelines

Send questions about this website to Denise Davies at   For course information or questions not included in these pages contact Dr. James Knight. Copyright (c) 1998 Department of Agricultural Education, The University of Arizona.  Website version 1.2, last updated on Thursday, August 16, 2001.