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Cooperative Extension
Areawide Insect Trapping Network (January 7, 2015)
Results of pheromone and sticky trap catches can be viewed here.

Corn earworm: Corn earworm moth activity has dropped significantly throughout the and only slightly more active than what we observed last year.

Beet armyworm: Surprisingly, captures of beet armyworm moths were still relatively high in Dome Valley in late December. Overall, moths were much more active during December as compared to trap counts from this time in 2013. Higher than normal temperatures are likely the reason we saw these trends.

Cabbage looper: Similarly, cabbage looper moths were active in December; whereas last year trap catches had declined to very low levels at this time. Again, temperature is likely the reason.

Whitefly: Adult movement is light and counts on most traps are at seasonal lows. We should continue to observe this trend during the cooler moths of Jan and Feb.

Thrips: Thrips movement in general declined in most areas, comparable to what we saw last fall.

Leafminers: Numbers on traps are very low across all trap locations.

Aphids: Alate (winged) aphids continued to show up on traps during December in the Yuma Valley. Counts in all other locations are down. We are consistently finding green peach and cabbage aphids on the Yuma Valley traps.

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For questions or comments on any of the topics please contact Marco Pena at the Yuma Agricultural Center.
College of Agriculture, The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.

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