Morning Glories Unlimited

Aniseia cernua, Ipomoea bracteata, Merremia austinii, Dichondra sericea

Morning Glories are members of the family Convolvulaceae. This worldwide family includes 55 genera and over 1600 species. Members of the Convolvulaceae are primarily tropical plants, with a number of genera being endemic to tropical landmasses. A few species are pantropical, e.g., Ipomoea pes-caprae (Goat's foot morning glory or railroad vine). The "sweet potato", also known as "camote," "batata," "patate douce," "gan shu," "kamara", among other common names, (Ipomoea batatas) is one of the most important root crops in the world.

Currently, more people studying this family than ever before. This Website brings together some of the available information, and some of the people studying various aspects of the family.

Protologues and ranges of genera in the Convolvulaceae

For more information on generic names or other families, see: Index Nominum Genericorum

Nomenclator of American species of Ipomoea

Synopsis of American Ipomoea species

Parallel and Convergent Evolution in the Convolvulaceae

Some Hawaiian members of the family

Mark Rausher's lab with studies of insect-plant interactions using Ipomoea purpurea as a model

Sites with only Images

Gary Lipe's Wildflower Online -- Access to a variety of sites dealing with wildflowers in various places. One of the images is an Ipomoea with a Bombus

Florida Wildflower pictures -- A collection of northern Florida plant images by Michael E. Abrams. Some mornning glories illustrated are Ipomoea coccinea, I. purpurea, I. sagittata, I. alba, and I. imperati

The University of Florida Center for Aquatic Plants -- has images of Ipomoea carnea and I. aquatica

A number of links to image collections are at --

Daniel F. Austin

(c) University of Arizona All rights reserved Created: 20 April 1998; Last partly updated: 20 June 2010

Send comments to: Daniel F. Austin