The University of Arizona

Reports submitted for 2009

These reports from Arizona describe the impacts of research, extension and academic programs undertaken in 2008. An impact statement is a brief summary of the economic, environmental and/or social impact of a land-grant program. It states accomplishments and their payoff to society.

Environment, Water, Land and Natural Resources

Arizona Project WET: Water Education for Teachers HTML
Street Tree Assessment: Energy and Water Savings, Reduced Pollution HTML
Operation Cool Shade—Saving Electrical Costs with Trees HTML


Plant Sciences

Cotton IPM: Reducing Insecticide Use, Maintaining Yields in Arizona HTML
Strategies to Fight a Whitefly-borne Melon Virus HTML


Animal Sciences

New Campylobacter Vaccine for Poultry Aims to Reduce Human Food-borne Illness HTML


Marketing, Trade and Economics

Record Keeping Training and Program Assessment for Native American Livestock Producers HTML


Family, Youth and Community

Master Gardeners: Volunteers Give Back to the Community HTML


Human Nutrition, Health and Food Safety

Walk Across Arizona—Promoting Physical Fitness HTML