The University of Arizona


Gokushoviruses are a subfamily of the Microviridae. Their hosts are obligate intracellular bacteria, such Chlamydia and Bdellovibrio. There exists a limited understanding of the life-cycles of viruses that infect cells that themselves live within other cells. Current efforts in the two laboratories are focused on elucidating the infection and assembly processes of these newly discovered viruses

Figure  5: CHP2 Virions (left) and stain penetrated empty procapsids (right).

Current Investigators: Matthew Dubrava
Alumnus Investigators: Karie Brentlinger, Susan Hafenstein.
Collaborators: Dr. Ian Clarke's group (University of Southampton Medical School), Dr. Mavis Agbandje-Mckenna's group (University of Florida), Dr. Robert Mckenna's group (University of Florida)

Salim, O, Stilton, R. Cutliffe, L. Fane, B. A., Clarke, I. N. (2008) Behind the Chlamydial Cloak, the life-cycle of a virus Chp2 revealed. Virology 377: 440-445.

Skilton R. J., Cutcliffe L. T,  Pickett M. A., Lambden P. R. *Fane B. A.  Clarke I. N. (2007). Intracellular parasitism of chlamydiae: the specific infectivity of chlamydiaphage Chp2, in Chlamydophila abortus. J. Bact. 189: 4957-9.

Clarke, I. N., Cutcliffe, L. T., Everson, J. S., Garner, S. A., Lambden, P. R.. Pead, P. J., Pickett,M. A. Brentlinger, K. L., Fane, B. A. (2004) Chlamydiaphage Chp2, a skeleton in the øX174 closet: scaffolding protein and procapsid identification.  J. Bact. 186: 7571-4.

Garner S. A., Everson, J. S., Lambden, P. R., Fane, B. A., Clarke I. N. (2004) Isolation, Molecular Characterisation and Genome Sequence of a Bacteriophage (Chp3) from Chlamydophila pecorum. Virus Genes. 28:207-14.

Everson, J. S., Garner, S. A.,  Lambden, P. R. ,Fane, B. A. Clarke, I. N. (2003)The host range of chlamydiaphages ØCPAR39 and Chp3., J. Bacteriol. 185:6490-2.

Brentlinger, K. L., Hafenstein, S. , Novak, C. R.  Fane, B. A. (communicating author), Borgon, R. McKenna, R., Agbandje-McKenna, M. (2002) Microviridae, a family divided. Isolation, characterization   and genome sequence of  øMH2K, a bacteriophage   of  the  obligate  intracellular  parasitic  bacterium  Bdellovibrio  bacteriovorus. J. Bacteriol. 184:1089-94.

Everson, J.S., Garner, S. A., Fane B. , Liu, B-L., Lambden,  P. R., Clarke, I. N. (2002) Biological Properties and cell tropism of Chp2, a bacteriophage of the obligate intracellular Bacterium C. Abortus. J. Bacteriol. 184: 2748-54.

Liu, B. L., Everson, J. S., Fane, B. A., Giannikopoulou, P., Vretou, E., Lambden, P. R., Clarke, I. N. (2000) The molecular characterization of a bacteriophage (Chp2) from Chlamydia psittaci. J. Virol. 74: 3646-3469.