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Spirit of the the Sun CYFAR grant project.


Site Vision SOS Tucson

S.O.S. Tucson provides preventative intervention in a positive, supportive environment. Located in Tucson it brings youth together by encouraging personal expression through the arts, music, dance, and community involvement.

The vision for this S.O.S. site is to improve the chances for non-mainstream youth to successfully transition to adulthood.

Homeless youth, youth who live in shelters, and travelers need opportunities to learn job skills and life skills, yet many of these youth are not aware of what resources are available to help them or how to access them. Further, some of the regulations and existing laws make it difficult for these youth to obtain the help that they need to become self-sufficient members of the community.

The goals of S.O.S. Tucson are

•  to understand what resources are available for homeless youth

•  to document how youth can obtain access to those resources

•  to lobby for changes required to better serve this population.

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