Santa Rita Experimental Range
Repeat Photography

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Photo Station #293

19492 1949 1

Photo Archive No. 293.1.1949

A49-57. Photo station 293, looking north. Ber about only grass. Zdu, leather weed, scattering of Cer, cacti, and mesquite.

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JAN19872 JAN 1987 1

Photo Archive No. 293.1.1987.01

PS 293. Azimuth 16. Jan. 28, 1987. RFB. Canon AE-1 camera (35mm). 35mm WA lens. Robert F. Buttery.

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APR20001 APR 2000 1

Photo Archive No. 293.1.2000.04

PS 293. April 17, 2000, 11:45 a.m. Facing north. Azimuth 16. Pasture 15. ASA 135, Plus X film. 35mm lens focal length. Smallest shrub Zinnia; midlevel Parthenia. Left distance tanglehead grass. Scattered grasses - fluffgrass, threeawn, a few Eragrostis lehmanniana, black grama. Large shrub in midground is hackberry. Directly north of center ocotillo is whitethorn acacia. M. McClaran.

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293_1_2007_04 APR 2007 1

Photo Archive No. 293.1.2007.04

PS. 293. 23 April 2007. Facing north, Azimuth 016. Pasture 15. Elevation 1063 m. ISO 100, 35mm focal length, Canon 5D Digital Camera. Witness present, camera above. Mesquite, distant right and left plants present in 1949 photo are still alive but not very healthy. Ocotillo common now but not evident in 1949 photo. Acacia constricta far right 2 plants. Parthenium incanum common, but many dead plants. Ephedra, Zinnia and Calliandra common. Small mesquite at center midground in 1949 is now a stump. Prickly pear, cholla and hedgehog cacti present. Celtis patch midground center present in 1949 photo, present now some distance behind center foreground ocotillo. Rothrock grama, fluffgrass, black grama grasses. Compared to 2000, prickly pear growth, Parthenium decline in density. M. McClaran photographer, S. Kurc assistant.

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293_1_2011_03 MAR 2011 1

Photo Archive No. 293.1.2011.03

PS. 293. 17 March 2011. 1:10 PM. Facing north, Azimuth 015. Pasture 15. Elevation 1102 m. ISO 100, 35mm focal length, Canon 5D Mark II Digital Camera. Witness present, camera above. Mesquite, distant right and left plants present in 1949 photo are still alive but not very healthy. Ocotillo common now but not evident in 1949 photo. Acacia constricta far right 2 plants. Parthenium incanum common. Ephedra, Zinnia and Calliandra common. Small mesquite at center midground in 1949 is now a stump. Prickly pear, cholla and hedgehog cacti present. Celtis patch midground center present in 1949 photo, present now some distance behind center foreground ocotillo. Fluffgrass, black grama, Lehmann lovegrass, and slim tridens are grasses. Compared to 2007, more grass, prickly pear poor condition, Parthenium plants are smaller compared to growth last winter. M. McClaran photographer, A. Dalke assistant.

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293_1_2017_03 MAR 2017 1

Photo Archive No. 293.1.2017.03

PS. 293. 17 March 2017. 11:55 AM. Facing north, Azimuth 30. Pasture 15. Elevation 1052 m. ISO 125, 35mm focal length, Canon 5D Mark II Digital Camera. Witness present, camera above. Mesquite, distant right and left plants present in 1949 photo are still alive but not very healthy. Ocotillo common now but not evident in 1949 photo. Acacia constricta far right 2 plants. Parthenium incanum common. Ephedra, Zinnia and Calliandra common; also find Polygala and Monardella and prickly pear. Small mesquite at center midground in 1949 is now a stump. Prickly pear, cholla and hedgehog cacti present. Celtis patch midground center present in 1949 photo, present now some distance behind center foreground ocotillo. Fluffgrass, black grama, Lehmann lovegrass, Rothrock, Setaria, cottontop, threeawn, and slim tridens are present. Since 2011, more shrub cover, more fluffgrass and Lehmann lovegrass cover, Parthenium plant size increase. M. McClaran photographer, K. Hawkes assistant.

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293_1_2023_03 MAR 2023 1

Photo Archive No. 293.1.2023.03

PS. 293. 10 March 2023. 2:00 PM. Facing north, Azimuth 30. Pasture 15. Elevation 1052 m. ISO 160, 35mm focal length, Canon 5D Mark II Digital Camera. Witness present, camera above. The four mesquites present in the distance on the 1949 image are now dead since 2017, the small mesquite at center midground in 1949 is now a stump, and the distant Celtis is now dead as well. The mesquite next to the road on the right side of the image was not present in 1949. Ocotillo common now but not evident in 1949 photo. Acacia constricta far right 2 plants. Palo verde present. Parthenium incanum common. Ephedra, Zinnia and Calliandra common; also found Polygala and Monardella. Prickly pear, cholla and hedgehog cacti present. Fluffgrass, Lehmann lovegrass, Setaria, Lycurus, threeawn, tanglehead, and slim tridens are present. Enneapogon cenchroides has arrived. Since 2017, increase in perennial grass cover and mass, especially Lehmann lovegrass and fluffgrass; added palo verde, tanglehead, Lycurus, and Enneapogon cenchroides; and death of old mesquite and Celtis in the distance. M. McClaran photographer, A. Gorlier and H. Elias assistants.

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19493 1949 2

Photo Archive No. 293.2.1949

A49-54. Photo station 293 looking east. Ber about only grass. Zdu, leather weed, scattering of Cer, cacti and mesquite.

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JAN19873 JAN 1987 2

Photo Archive No. 293.2.1987.01

PS 293. Azimuth 116. Jan. 28, 1987. RFB. Canon AE-1 camera (35mm). 35mm WA lens. Robert F. Buttery.

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APR20002 APR 2000 2

Photo Archive No. 293.2.2000.04

PS 293. April 17, 2000, 11:45 a.m. Facing southeast. Azimuth 116. Pasture 15. ASA 135, Plus X film. 35mm lens focal length. No grass now; Zinnia, Parthenia. On left patch of whitethorn acacia with no leaves. Mesquite with some leaves; palo verde; few black grama. Bristlegrass, bush muhly under acacia/mesquite/palo verde. M. McClaran.

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293_2_2007_04 APR 2007 2

Photo Archive No. 293.2.2007.04

PS. 293. 23 April 2007. Facing east, Azimuth 116. Pasture 15. Elevation 1063 m. ISO 100, 35mm focal length, Canon 5D Digital Camera. Witness present, camera above. Mesquite present in 1949 photo are still alive. Ocotillo one existing ocotillo left distant was present in 1949 photo. Palo verde at center, was small plant in 1949 photo. Acacia constricta left midground. Parthenium incanum common, but many dead plants. Zinnia and Calliandra common. Prickly pear and hedgehog cacti present. Setaria under mesquite but no other grasses. Compared to 2000, Parthenium decline in density. M. McClaran photographer, S. Kurc assistant.

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293_2_2011_03 MAR 2011 2

Photo Archive No. 293.2.2011.03

PS. 293. 17 March 2011. 1:30 PM. Facing east, Azimuth 115. Pasture 15. Elevation 1102 m. ISO 100, 35mm focal length, Canon 5D Mark II Digital Camera. Witness present, camera above. Mesquite present in 1949 photo are still alive. Ocotillo one existing ocotillo left distant was present in 1949 photo. Palo verde at center, was small plant in 1949 photo. Acacia constricta left midground. Parthenium incanum and Zinnia, but Calliandra less common. Prickly pear and hedgehog cacti present. Setaria under mesquite. Compared to 2007, Parthenium size is smaller than growth from last winter; additional grass species include Lehmann lovegrass, Rothrock and black grama, prickly pear in poor condition. M. McClaran photographer, A. Dalke assistant.

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293_2_2017_03 MAR 2017 2

Photo Archive No. 293.2.2017.03

PS. 293. 17 March 2017. 12:00 PM. Facing east, Azimuth 115. Pasture 15. Elevation 1052 m. ISO 160, 35mm focal length, Canon 5D Mark II Digital Camera. Witness present, camera above. Mesquite present in 1949 photo are still alive. Ocotillo one existing ocotillo left distant was present in 1949 photo. Palo verde at center, was small plant in 1949 photo. Acacia constricta left midground. Parthenium incanum and Zinnia, Polygala, creosote, Menodora, Aloysia, but Calliandra less common. Prickly pear and hedgehog cacti present. Setaria under mesquite; grasses in open are slim tridens and Lehmann lovegrass. Since 2011, increase in Parthenium size, fluff grass cover, prickly pear size. M. McClaran photographer, K. Hawkes assistant.

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293_2_2023_03 MAR 2023 2

Photo Archive No. 293.2.2023.03

PS. 293. 10 March 2023. 2:15 PM. Facing east, Azimuth 115. Pasture 15. Elevation 1052 m. ISO 160, 35mm focal length, Canon 5D Mark II Digital Camera. Witness present, camera above. Mesquite present in 1949 photo are still alive. One ocotillo at left distant was present in 1949 image. Palo verde at center, was small plant in 1949 photo. Acacia constricta left midground. Parthenium incanum and Zinnia, Polygala, creosote, Menodora, Aloysia, and Calliandra are present. Prickly pear and hedgehog cacti present. Setaria under mesquite; grasses in open are threeawn, Rothrock grama, slim tridens and Lehmann lovegrass. Since 2017, increase in size of Parthenium and ocotillo; increase in fluffgrass density and cover; and new roads in distant right hills associated with new mining activity. M. McClaran photographer, A. Gorlier and H. Elias assistants.

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19490 1949 3

Photo Archive No. 293.3.1949

A49-55. Photo station 293, looking south. Ber about only grass. Zdu, leather weed, scattering of Cer, cacti and mesquite.

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JAN19870 JAN 1987 3

Photo Archive No. 293.3.1987.01

PS 293. Azimuth 194. Jan. 28, 1987. RFB. Canon AE-1 camera (35mm). 35mm WA lens. Robert F. Buttery.

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APR20003 APR 2000 3

Photo Archive No. 293.3.2000.04

PS 293. April 17, 2000, 11:45 a.m. Facing south. Azimuth 194. Pasture 15. ASA 135, Plus X film. 35mm lens focal length. Zinnia, Parthenia, palo verde blooming in wash. Immediately behind ocotillo is whitethorn acacia. M. McClaran.

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293_3_2007_04 APR 2007 3

Photo Archive No. 293.3.2007.04

PS. 293. 23 April 2007. Facing south, Azimuth 194. Pasture 15. Elevation 1063 m. ISO 100, 35mm focal length, Canon 5D Digital Camera. Witness present, camera above. Mesquite, midground left (2 plants) present in 1949 photo. Ocotillo not evident in 1949 photo. Parthenium incanum common, but many dead plants. Zinnia common. Acacia constricta behind ocotillo. Prickly pear and hedgehog cacti present. Black grama present, and bush muhly with Setaria found under mesquite. Compared to 2000, Parthenium decline in density. M. McClaran photographer, S. Kurc assistant.

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293_3_2011_03 MAR 2011 3

Photo Archive No. 293.3.2011.03

PS. 293. 17 March 2011. 11:50 AM. Facing south, Azimuth 193. Pasture 15. Elevation 1102m. ISO 100, 35mm focal length, Canon 5D Mark II Digital Camera. Witness present, camera above. Mesquite, midground left (2 plants) present in 1949 photo. Ocotillo not evident in 1949 photo. Parthenium incanum common, but many dead plants. Zinnia common. Acacia constricta behind ocotillo. Prickly pear, Mammalaria and hedgehog cacti present. Black grama present, and bush muhly with Setaria found under mesquite. Compared to 2007, Parthenium size smaller compared to growth last winter, very small cholla left of ocotillo now dead, Lehmann lovegrass now present, fluffgrass more common and grass more common. M. McClaran photographer, A. Dalke assistant.

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293_3_2017_03 MAR 2017 3

Photo Archive No. 293.3.2017.03

PS. 293. 17 March 2017. 11:45 AM. Facing south, Azimuth 193. Pasture 15. Elevation 1052m. ISO 125, 35mm focal length, Canon 5D Mark II Digital Camera. Witness present, camera above. Mesquite, midground left (2 plants) present in 1949 photo. Ocotillo not evident in 1949 photo. Parthenium incanum very common, also Aloysia, creosote, Polygala, Menodora, and saguaro on far left hill (and buffelgrass there as well). Zinnia common. Acacia constricta behind ocotillo. Prickly pear, Mammilaria and hedgehog cacti present. Black grama, threeawn and fluffgrass are common, and bush muhly with Setaria found under mesquite. Since 2011, Larger Parthenium, Acacia and ocotillo plants; less prickly pear cover. M. McClaran photographer, K. Hawkes assistant.

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293_3_2023_03 MAR 2023 3

Photo Archive No. 293.3.2023.03

PS. 293. 10 March 2023. 2:10 PM. Facing south, Azimuth 193. Pasture 15. Elevation 1052m. ISO 160, 35mm focal length, Canon 5D Mark II Digital Camera. Witness present, camera above. Only one of two mesquites present in 1949 image is still alive; the one on the left is alive, the one on the right is now dead. Ocotillo not evident in 1949 photo. Parthenium incanum very common, also Aloysia, creosote, Zinnia, Polygala, Lycium, and saguaro on far left hill (and buffelgrass there as well). Acacia constricta behind ocotillo. Prickly pear, Mammilaria and hedgehog cacti present. Threeawn, fluffgrass are common, and Lehmann lovegrass and slim tridens present as well; and bush muhly with Setaria found under mesquite. Since 2017, larger Parthenium, Acacia and ocotillo, and prickly pear plants; more fluffgrass cover and mass; added Lycium, slim tridents, Lehmann lovegrass and tanglehead to the list; and lost one old mesquite from 1949 image. M. McClaran photographer, A. Gorlier and H. Elias assistants.

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19491 1949 4

Photo Archive No. 293.4.1949

A49-56. Photo station 293, looking west. Ber about only grass. Zdu, leather weed, scattering of Cer, cacti, and mesquite.

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JAN19871 JAN 1987 4

Photo Archive No. 293.4.1987.01

PS 293. Azimuth 284. Jan. 28, 1987. RFB. Canon AE-1 camera (35mm). 35mm WA lens. Robert F. Buttery.

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APR20004 APR 2000 4

Photo Archive No. 293.4.2000.04

PS 293. April 17, 2000, 11:45 a.m. Facing west. Azimuth 284. Pasture 15. ASA 135, Plus X film. 35mm lens focal length. Water bottle (probably from illegal visitor) in foreground. Ocotillo blooming. Zinnia, Parthenia, Eragrostis lehmanniana, whitethorn acacia, beeplant. M. McClaran.

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293_4_2007_04 APR 2007 4

Photo Archive No. 293.4.2007.04

PS. 293. 23 April 2007. Facing west, Azimuth 284. Pasture 15. Elevation 1063 m. ISO 100, 35mm focal length, Canon 5D Digital Camera. Witness present, camera above. Large palo verde present in 1949 photo is only a few pieces of wood on the ground, at that location find Acacia constricta and Lycium plants. Large plant at right midground in 1949 is probably Zizyphus based on current view; associated with that plant is Lycium. Large ocotillo in 1949 view is probably still alive in distant right-center behind younger ocotillo plants. Distant mesquite at right are were present in 1949. Parthenium incanum common. Prickly pear present. Compared to 2000, more ocotillo plants, some prickly pear growth and some dead prickly pear. M. McClaran photographer, S. Kurc assistant.

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293_4_2011_03 MAR 2011 4

Photo Archive No. 293.4.2011.03

PS. 293. 17 March 2011. 11:45 AM. Facing west, Azimuth 280. Pasture 15. Elevation 1102 m. ISO 100, 35mm focal length, Canon 5D Mark II Digital Camera. Witness present, camera above. Large palo verde present in 1949 photo is only a few pieces of wood on the ground, at that location find Acacia constricta and Lycium plants. Large plant at right midground in 1949 is probably Zizyphus based on current view; associated with that plant is Lycium. Large ocotillo in 1949 view is probably still alive in distant right-center behind younger ocotillo plants. Distant mesquite at right are were present in 1949. Parthenium incanum common. Prickly pear present. Small hedgehog in center foreground. Compared to 2007, slim tridens and Lehmann lovegrass now present. Parthenium plants smaller than growth last winter. M. McClaran photographer, A. Dalke assistant.

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293_4_2017_03 MAR 2017 4

Photo Archive No. 293.4.2017.03

PS. 293. 17 March 2017. 11:50 AM. Facing west, Azimuth 280. Pasture 15. Elevation 1052 m. ISO 125, 35mm focal length, Canon 5D Mark II Digital Camera. Witness present, camera above. Large palo verde present in 1949 photo is only a few pieces of wood on the ground, at that location find Acacia constricta and Lycium plants. Large plant at right midground in 1949 is probably Zizyphus based on current view; associated with that plant is Lycium. Large ocotillo in 1949 view is probably still alive in distant right-center behind younger ocotillo plants. Distant mesquite at right were present in 1949. Parthenium incanum common; also find Aloysia, Polygala, Menodora, Calliandra. Prickly pear and barrel cactus present. Small hedgehog in center foreground is in poor condition. Lehmann lovegrass, slim tridens, and fluffgrass present. Since 2011, prickly pear and small ocotillo increased in size. M. McClaran photographer, K. Hawkes assistant.

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293_4_2023_03 MAR 2023 4

Photo Archive No. 293.4.2023.03

PS. 293. 10 March 2023. 2:00 PM. Facing west, Azimuth 280. Pasture 15. Elevation 1052 m. ISO 160, 35mm focal length, Canon 5D Mark II Digital Camera. Witness present, camera above. Large palo verde present in 1949 photo is only a few pieces of wood on the ground, at that location find Acacia constricta and Lycium plants. Large plant at right midground in 1949 is probably Zizyphus based on current view; associated with that plant is Lycium. Large ocotillo in 1949 view is probably still alive in distant right-center behind younger ocotillo plants. Distant mesquite at right were present in 1949. Two palo verde plants. Parthenium incanum common; also find Aloysia, Polygala, Calliandra, creosote, and Zinnia. Prickly pear and barrel cactus present. Small hedgehog in center foreground is in poor condition. Lehmann lovegrass, slim tridens, Rothrock grama, tanglehead, bush muhly, cottontop, threeawn, and Enneapogon cenchroides, and fluffgrass present. Compared to 2017, increase in density and mass of fluffgrass; Enneapogon cenchroides has arrived; added Rothrock grama, tanglehead, bush muhly, cottontop, threeawn, palo verde, creosote and Zinnia; Parthenium and ocotillo plants increased in size; and decline in size and condition of prickly pear. M. McClaran photographer, A. Gorlier and H. Elias assistants.

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Last updated - August 2023
Mitchel McClaran -