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Irrigation Pond in Jordan
Jordan Activities 2004-2005




Quarterly Report Xii for July-September, 2005 prepared by Dr. Saad Al-Ayyash of the BRDC. (pdf format)

The Water Quality Studies Division of RSS-ERC prepared a Final Technical Report for the fiscal year of 2004-2005. This project aims at investigating the feasibility of utilizing bio-solids for improving soil fertility and crop production in Jordan. The report is titled "Bio-Solids Application for Improving Soil Fertility and Crop Production in Jordan" - Final Technical Report, September 2005. (pdf format)

A second Progress Report was submitted by RSS-ERC on "Bio-Solids Application for Improving Soil Fertility and Crop Production in Jordan" to the Badia. (pdf format)

Quarterly Report XI for April-June, 2005 prepared by Dr. Saad Al-Ayyash of the BRDC. (pdf format)

A first Progress Technical Report for November 2004 - January, 2005 called "Bio-Solids Application for Improving Soil Fertility and Crop Production in Jordan" was submitted by Water Quality Studies Divison of RSS-ERC in February, 2005. Wastewater management is a continuing problem in Jordan where the need to conserve and reuse water resources is critical. (pdf format)

Quarterly Report X for January-March, 2005 prepared by Dr. Saad Al-Ayyash of the BRDC. (pdf format)

Dr. Ramzi Touchan traveled to Syria and Jordan during the months of November and December of
2004. He met with people from several different Institutes such as the International Center for
Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (INCARDA) and the International Plant Resources Institute
(IPRI) in Aleppo, Syria. After that he went to Jordan and met with many representatives from the
institutions in Jordan. He did a six-month post evaluation with persons who had attended the
workshop he held in July of 2004 to see what areas of the workshop had the most long-term value
in their work and if they were using the information they had obtained from the workshop.

Dr. Christopher Choi made another trip to Jordan at the end of December, 2004 and stayed until
January, 2005. He visited many wastewater treatment plants both in use and under construction.
He attended meetings with people from NCARTT, BRDC, RSS, and ASEZA to discuss current
research activities, offer technical assistance, and review the current status of the collaborative

Quarterly Report IX October-December, 2004 prepared by Dr. Saad Al-Ayyash of the BRDC. (pdf format)