International Symposium

Ecology and Management of Lygus Plant Bugs

30 January to 3 February 2005
Ottawa, Canada

Scientific Program

Download the Scientific Program as PDF

Sunday, 30 January 2005

15:00 Registration – Penthouse Foyer - Hotel Crowne Plaza
           · Poster Installation
           · Provision of PowerPoint Oral Presentations on CD

15:00 Welcome Coffee/Tea – Penthouse Foyer - Hotel Crowne Plaza

16:00 Kick-off Session: Economic Importance of Lygus in Crop Commodities
           Chairman: Peter Goodell

16:00 GOODELL Peter

16:10 ELLSWORTH Peter C., BARKLEY Virginia Development of economic thresholds for Lygus hesperus in Arizona COTTON
16:30 GILLESPIE Dave R.

Is omnivory the key to understanding Lygus impacts on GREENHOUSE crops?
16:50 VINCENT Charles

The tarnished plant bug and its impact on APPLE ORCHARDS
17:10 MOSTAFA Ayman M., HOLLIDAY Neil J. Population compositions and yield implications of plant bugs in SEED ALFALFA in Manitoba
17:30 CARCAMO Hector, OTANI Jennifer Impacts of Lygus plant bugs on CANOLA in western Canada
17:50 MOSTAFA Ayman M., HOLLIDAY Neil J. Impacts of Lygus plant bugs on yield patterns of BUCKWHEAT in southern Manitoba
18:10 BROADBENT Bruce

Impacts of Lygus plant bugs on VEGETABLES AND BERRY CROPS in North America

18:30 End Kick-off Session

19:00 Welcome Reception - Penthouse Foyer – Hotel Crowne Plaza

19:30 Welcome Dinner – Penthouse Panorama Room
           · Welcome Address: Peter Mason

Monday, 31 January 2005

08:15 Scientific Session: Lygus Community Ecology
            Chairman: Dave Gillespie

08:15 GILLESPIE Dave Introduction
08:20 GOODELL Peter B., LYNN Kris

Approaches to understanding Lygus in an ecological landscape context
08:40 PARAJULEE Megha N., CARROLL Stanley C., ARNOLD Mark D., SHRESTHA Ram B., CRANMER Andy M., BOMMIREDDY Padma L. Species composition and host-plant sequence of Lygus bugs in the Texas high plains

09:00 FLEURY Dominique, VINCENT Charles, MAUFFETTE Yves. Seasonal abundance of Lygus lineolaris adults inside and at the periphery of a vineyard
09:20 BANCROFT Jay Forecasting Lygus pressure in Kern County, California
09:40 BOSTANIAN Noubar J., TRUDEAU Martin, LASNIER Jacques The population dynamics of the tarnished plant bug in Quebec vineyards

10:00 Coffee/Tea Break

10:30 Scientific Session: Lygus Biology & Cultural Controls for Lygus Management
           Chairman: Bruce Broadbent

10:30 BROADBENT Bruce Introduction
10:35 COOK Donald R., COSTELLO R.W., BURRIS E., LEONARD B.R., BURNS D.R. Effects of field margin vegetation management on tarnished plant bug, Lygus lineolaris (Palisot de Beauvois) densities in cotton, Gossypium hirsutum (L.)
10:55 HAGLER James

Potassium chloride reduces the feeding activity of Lygus hesperus
11:15 CARRIERE Yves, ELLSWORTH Peter C., DUTILLEUL, Pierre, ELLERS-KIRK Christa, BARKLEY Virginia, ANTILLA Larry The scale of Lygus movement between alfalfa and cotton

11:35 WILLIAMS Livy III, RODRIGUEZ-SAONA C., CASTLE S.C., MANRIQUE V., BERNAL J.S., JONES W.A. Jones, Jr. Utilization of herbivore-induced plant volatiles for conservation biological control of Lygus species - from lab to field

11:55 BLACKMER Jackie, NARANJO Steve E., RODRIQUEZ-SAONA Cesar, WILLIAMS Livy III Dispersal and host location by Lygus spp.: underlying behavioral and ecological mechanisms

12:15 Lunch Break

13:45 Scientific Session: Host Plant Resistance and Insecticide Efficacy
           Chairman: Owen Olfert

13:45 OLFERT, Owen Introduction
13:50 CELORIO MANCERA Maria de la Paz, AHMADI Hamid, GREVE Carl, SHACKEL Kenneth A.TEUBER Larry R., BACKUS Elaine A., LABAVITCH John M. Examining the potential utility of polygalacturonase- inhibiting protein interactions for protecting crop plants against Lygus bug

14:10 TEUBER Larry R., CELORIO-MANCERA Maria de la paz, GREVE L. Carl, AHMADI Hamid, SHACKEL Ken A., BACKUS Elaine A., LABAVITCH John M. Selection for polygalacturonase inhibition as a means of developing resistance to the Lygus bug

14:30 SOROKA, Juliana, GLEDDIE, Steve, GERBER, George Host plant resistance of genetically modified canola cv Westar to Lygus bugs
14:50 VINCENT Charles, KHANIZADEH Shahrokh The quest for strawberry cultivars resistant to tarnished plant bug: a behavioural study.
15:10 LEONARD B. Roger, BURRIS E., COOK Donald Insecticide performance against tarnished plant bug, Lygus lineolaris (Palisot de Beauvois), in southern cotton fields

15:30 Coffee/Tea Break

16:00 Scientific Session: Poster Presentation (all session themes)
           Moderator: Charles Vincent

Poster 01 TEAGUE Tina Gray, COY Steven, DANFORTH Diana M.

Interactions of Lygus lineolaris induced injury and water deficit stress in Mid-South cotton: monitoring crop response using COTMAN for pest management decision making
Poster 02 BURANGE Prasad S., Roehrdanz Richard L., BOETEL Mark A. Intraspecific genetic diversity of the Lygus genus

Poster 03 OTANI Jennifer, CARCAMO Hector Overwintering survival and female reproductive status of Lygus keltoni in northern Alberta agricultural habitat
Poster 04 SCHRAUFNAGEL Jacinta R., WILLIAMS Livy III, ROANE Timberley M. Characterization of intestinal microbial flora of Lygus lineolaris

Poster 05 WILLIAMS Livy III, CASTLE Sandra C., RODRIGUEZ-SAONA Cesar, ZHU Su Electrophysiological responses of Lygus species (Heteroptera: Miridae) and Anaphes iole (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) to herbivore-induced plant volatiles
Poster 06 LORENZ Gus, GREENE Jeremy, STUDEBAKER Glenn, RODERY Steve, CAPPS Chuck Area-wide management of tarnished plant bug in Arkansas

Poster 07 RANCOURT Benoit, VINCENT Charles, OLIVEIRA Domingos Efficacy and persistence of an insect vacuum device against the tarnished plant bug, (Hemiptera: Miridae) in strawberries.
Poster 08 BARKELY Virginia, ELLSWORTH C. Peter Transitioning Lygus chemical controls to more selective options for Arizona cotton
Poster 09 WILLIAMS Livy III, MANRIQUE Verónica

Toxicity of field-weathered insecticide residues to Anaphes iole (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae), an egg parasitoid of Lygus lineolaris (Heteroptera: Miridae)
Poster 10 WILLIAMS Livy III, LOGARZO Guillermo A., SHAW Scott R., MANRIQUE Verónica Leiophron argentinensis Shaw (Hymenoptera: Braconidae): a new species from Argentina and Paraguay, with information on life history and potential for controlling Lygus bugs
Poster 11 MOSTAFA Ayman M., HOLLIDAY Neil J. Management of Lygus bugs in buckwheat using Cyhaothrin-Lambda and Beauveria bassiana
Poster 12 MASON Peter G., GOULET Henri, BOSTANIAN Noubar J. Effect of harvest on parasitism of Lygus lineolaris and Adelphocoris lineolatus (Hemiptera: Miridae) in alfalfa
Poster 13 WILLIAMS Livy III, ZHU Y. C., MANRIQUE Verónica, SNODGRASS George L. Host plant affects oviposition pattern of Lygus lineolaris and subsequent parasitism by Anaphes iole
Poster 14 COUTINOT Dominique, HOELMER Kim Explorations in Europe and parasitoid species composition by climatic association
Poster 15 HAYE Tim, KUHLMANN Ulrich

Lygus parasitoid species composition in natural and cultivated habitats
Poster 16 BLODGETT Sue, BARIL Rebecca et al. Regional assemblages of Lygus species from Montana alfalfa and canola
Poster 17 CARCAMO Héctor, HERLE Carolyn, GOULET Henri, OTANI Jennifer Seasonal activity of Lygus spp. and nymphal parasitism by native Peristenus wasps in southern Alberta
Poster 18 RÄMERT Brigitta HELLQVIST Sven KJOBEK PETERSEN Mette A survey of Lygus parasitoids in Sweden

Poster 19 ACCINELLI Gianumberto, LANZONI, A., RAMILLI F., TAVELLA L., BURGIO G. Faunistic studies on mirids (Rhynchota, Heteroptera) on field margin areas in northern Italian agroecosystems

17:30 End of Scientific Sessions

19:00 Dinner on your own

Tuesday, 1 February 2005

08:00 Scientific Session: Systematics/Taxonomy of Lygus and Biological
           Control Agents

           Chairman: Bob Foottit

08:00 FOOTTIT Bob Introduction
08:05 SCHWARTZ Michael D.

The systematics of Lygus: generic phylogeny and relationships to other plant bugs
08:25 FOOTTIT Robert G. Molecular genetic diversity of Lygus spp. in North America
08:45 GOULET Henri

Systematic problems and solutions for the species of Peristenus and Leiophron associated with Lygus in Canada and the Northern United States
09:05 GARIEPY Tara D., KUHLMANN Ulrich,
Detection and identification of European Lygus parasitoids using a single-step multiplex PCR assay

09:25 HUBER John T.

Taxonomic problems in egg parasitoids of Lygus bugs and implications for biological control

09:45 Coffee/Tea Break

10:15 Scientific Session: Biology/Ecology of Biological Control Agents
           Chairman: Ulli Kuhlmann

10:15 KUHLMANN Ulli Introduction
10:20 LELAND Jarrod E., MCGUIRE Michael R. Development of Beauveria bassiana for control of Lygus spp.
10:40 KAPONGO Jean Pierre, SHIPP Les, KEVAN Peter, BROADBENT Bruce Optimal concentration of Beauveria bassiana as vectored by bumblebees for control of Lygus lineolaris and Myzus persicae on greenhouse sweet pepper
11:00 HAGLER James

Identifying key predators of Lygus hesperus using protein markers
11:20 WILLIAMS Livy III, BEACH J. Peirce Nectar and honeydew sugars influence gustatory response and longevity of Anaphes iole, an egg parasitoid of Lygus
11:40 TAVELLA Luciana, GUIDONE Loredana

Distribution and abundance of nymph parasitoids of Lygus rugulipennis Poppius (Heteroptera: Miridae) in northwestern Italy
12:00 KUHLMANN Ulrich, HAYE Tim, BROADBENT Bruce, WHISTLECRAFT Jay Reproductive biology of Peristenus digoneutis and Peristenus stygicus (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), parasitoids of Lygus species

12:20 Lunch Break

13:30 Social Program: Curling

19:00 Dinner on your own

Wednesday, 2 February 2005

08:15 Scientific Session: Host Specificity of Biological Control Agents
           Chairman: Kim Hoelmer

08:15 HOELMER Kim Introduction
08:20 HAYE Tim, KUHLMANN Ulrich, MASON Peter G., GOULET Henri Comparison of the physiological and ecological host range of the biological control agents Peristenus stygicus and Peristenus digoneutis (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)
09:00 MASON Peter G., BROADBENT A. Bruce, GILLESPIE Dave R., WHISTLECRAFT Jay Peristenus digoneutis and Peristenus stygicus host-range testing in Canada

09:20 WATERS Tim, WALSH Doug, BUSH Mike, FERGUSON Holly, WIGHT Ron Host range of Peristenus spp. attacking Lygus hesperus in Washington State, USA
09:40 GARIEPY Tara D., HAYE Tim, KUHLMANN Ulrich, GILLOTT Cedric, ERLANDSON Martin Potential for evaluating the ecological host range of Peristenus digoneutis and Peristenus stygicus using a single-step multiplex PCR technique

10:00 Coffee/Tea Break

10:30 Scientific Session: Release, Post-release Evaluation and Monitoring of
           Biological Control Agents

           Chairman: Livy Williams

10:30 WILLIAMS Livy Introduction
10:35 PICKETT Charles H., RODRIGUEZ R., BROWN J., COUTINOT Dominique, HOELMER Kim A., ERTLE L. Importation and establishment of Lygus parasitoids in California

10:55 BROADBENT A. Bruce, MASON Peter G., WHISTLECRAFT Jay W., GOULET Henri, GILLESPIE Dave R. Release of Peristenus digoneutis in Canada for biological control of Lygus lineolaris

11:15 BARBOUR Jim, MOWRY Thomas, SEYMOUR Lorraine Determination of Lygus spp. parasitism by Peristenus spp. in crop and non-crop hosts using polymerase chain reaction
11:35 MASON Peter G., GOULET Henri, SCHWARTZ Michael D. Parasitism of Miridae in crop and non-crop habitats in eastern Ontario and southwestern Quebec
11:55 ERLANDSON Martin, ASHFAQ Muhammad, BRAUN Lorraine

Hyperparasitism by Mesochorus curvulus (Hymenoptera : Ichneumonidae) in Peristenus species (Hymenoptera : Braconidae) and development of molecular markers for hyperparasitoid detection

12:15 Lunch Break

13:45 Final Discussion:
           Is an IPM approach feasible to control Lygus in crop commodities?
     Moderators: Peter Ellsworth & Peter Mason

15:45 Coffee/Tea Break

16.30 End of Meeting

19:00 Farewell Pub Dinner

