Program of Activities

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at the University of Arizona


A ED 301: Youth Leadership Development

Assignment: Developing a Program of Activities

Each student will develop three divisions of a program of activities for a youth organization following the accepted format as outlined in class. There should be an overall goal for each division and each division must contain at least three goals with at least three activities per goal. Each activity should have a budgeted amount and appropriate dates assigned. Extra activities may be listed.

The introductory material should be included as described on the evaluation sheet (Table of contents, list of officers, list of members, foreword, etc.). A balanced budget, a balance sheet, and a complete calendar of events must be developed for the program of activities and included.

The assignment must be typed, and should be "packaged" as would be the complete program of activities for a youth organization. When the assignment is submitted, please include this assignment/evaluation sheet.


Criteria Score
Student Instructor
General Appearance (10) _______ _______
Introduction (10)
  1. Table of Contents
  2. List of Officers
  3. List of Members
  4. Foreword (Purpose)


Organization and Format (10) _______ _______
Divisions (40)
  1. Overall Objective
  2. Goals
  3. Activities
  4. Budget Items
  5. Calendar Items


Budget (15) _______ _______
Calendar of Events (15) _______ _______
Total Score _______ _______

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Send questions about this website to Denise Davies at   For course information or questions not included in these pages contact Dr. James Knight. Copyright (c) 1998 Department of Agricultural Education, The University of Arizona.  Website version 1.2, last updated on Friday, August 17, 2001.