What is a Program of Activities?

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at the University of Arizona



The program of activities is the basic means through which the objectives are accomplished for youth organizations. Therefore, activities need to be planned an conducted in terms of their contribution in developing those interests, attitudes, and abilities that are desirable. This necessitates a program that is broad and extensive enough for all to have an opportunity to participate in accordance with their interest, needs and capacities. The organization program needs to be locally tailored to fit well with the constituent and/or community situation. This means that we should eliminate activities that are being provided elsewhere and add only those that will make contributions to the more effective learning of the members being served.

There is no one best way to plan the program; however, the following seem to be logical steps to take:

1. Review last year’s program:

In this review, retain that which is judged to be effective and eliminate activities that do not provide a good learning situation.

2. Review programs of other organizations:

The purpose of this procedure is to secure ideas concerning ways and means to improve your own local program.

3. Study the state and national programs:

These programs provide ideas and some direction. We accomplish our state and national objectives through the work of local organizations.

4. Develop goals and select appropriate ways and means:

For each goal there needs to be an appropriate activities identified. Use last year’s accomplishment as a basis for arriving at the new goal. This goal should be challenging, yet attainable and measurable.

5. Be sure the program can be financed:

Most activities necessitate some financial assistance as well as time and effort. Be sure to consider the approximate amount of money necessary to finance the program. This implies that it would be highly desirable to develop the budget concurrent with the development of the program of activities. Perhaps each area committee should approximate the amount of money needed to conduct the activities selected.

6. Involve all members in developinq the program:

All members in the organization should be involved in program development. Undoubtedly, the group needs to be divided into various committees in order to better assume some of the specific responsibilities for each of the areas. However, the findings of the committees need to be discussed by the entire group before the program is adopted. In order for the program to be "our" program we all need to be involved.

7. Secure support from the school administration:

In the case of school organizations like the FFA, the school administration, the principal or superintendent, or both, should be consulted during the time the committees are working on the tentative program. Likewise, the program should be approved before it is adopted by the organization. The school administrators are in the best position to indicate whether or not the program fits in well with the total school and community calendar.

8. Schedule the activities throughout the year:

It is desirable to give consideration to scheduling the activities while the program is being developed to insure somewhat equal distribution through the year. All meetings and activities should fit into the total school and/or community calendar.

9. Make copies of the Program:

In order that all members of the organization, as well as others who are concerned about the group’s program, may know specifically what is to be done, it is highly desirable to have printed copies of the program of activities. Make sure that this publication is accurate and attractive. It has public relations value. Send copies to representatives of all the constituent groups.

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Send questions about this website to Denise Davies at ddavies@ag.arizona.edu.   For course information or questions not included in these pages contact Dr. James Knight. Copyright (c) 1998 Department of Agricultural Education, The University of Arizona.  Website version 1.2, last updated on Thursday, August 16, 2001.