What is a Program of Activities?

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at the University of Arizona



by John Hillison &George Wheeler

The FFA alumni Affiliate can assist a local FFA Chapter and the local advisor in many ways. Here are 20 which you should share with your alumni.

1. Help select chapter winners for further competition at the federation, area, or state level.

2. Provide a scholarship for students to further their education or to attend a leadership activity such as the Washington Leadership Conference.

3. Help with the officer nominating committee.

4. Co-sponsor a money-making activity with the local chapter.

5. Participate in the chapter banquet.

6.Chaperone students during field trips such as the state fair or the AES-FFA Leadership Conference.

7. Provide transportation for students to go on field trips.

8.Help prepare judging teams.

9. Hold social gatherings with the FFA Chapter such as picnics, softball games, or basketball games.

10. Provide supplies such as tractor and wagon for tractor operators’ contest.

11. Lobby with local school board to maintain summer employment for chapter advisor(s).

12. Provide resource speaker as the program for FFA Chapter meetings.

13. Substitute for advisor at chapter meeting or in the classroom.

14. Be available to judge FFA contests.

15.Provide loans to students for their supervised occupational experience programs.

16. Sponsor members to attend FFA camp or exchange programs with other chapters.

17. Assist chapter officers with their responsibilities, such as the reporter.

18. Provide awards for outstanding members.

19. Provide facilities for students for their occupational experience programs

20. Provide positive support and guidance to the members.

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Send questions about this website to Denise Davies at ddavies@ag.arizona.edu.   For course information or questions not included in these pages contact Dr. James Knight. Copyright (c) 1998 Department of Agricultural Education, The University of Arizona.  Website version 1.2, last updated on Thursday, August 16, 2001.