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Title On Page

Session leader: Your Name.

In here write overview of topic, summarizing all literature (not just the papers to be read by class).

Notes for getting this template file

In your web browser, with this page visible, you will need to get the template in its raw, HTML source form. Here's what you do if you want to do this with Netscape.
  1. go to the File menu, and choose Save As
  2. in the dialog box you get, you will see a little popup menu that says "Text" touch on this, and switch the option to be "Source".
  3. replace the text "Window Title" by "template.html"
  4. save the file in an appropriate folder on your hard disk.
  5. You can then edit the file in a word processor (e.g. MS Word), but REMEMBER to save it as a Text Only file. More later on this.

Required papers

Full references list