Differences Between Oomycetes and Fungi

	Oomycetes			Fungi

lysine synthesis is by diaminopimeic alpha-aminodipic acid (AAA)
pathway (DAP)-same as plants occur in animals

synthesize sterols (Peronosporales don't) all synthesize sterols (animals do)

many, if not all, are diploid haploid or dikaryotic

have cellulose in cell wall B,1-3 & 1-6 glucans and chitin
(B,1-3 & 1-6 glucans w/5-20% cellulose)

well-defined Golgi bodies lacks well-defined Golgi bodies

mitochondria-tubular cristae plate cristae

no polyols (sugar alcohols) translocate sugar alcohols

storage products are typically store as glycogen
B,1-3 laminarins

sexual reproduction by gametangial contact reproduction otherwise

"sexual" spores are oospore (2N) sexual spores (N)-product of meiosis

meiosis is gametangial meiosis not gametangial (some fungi have gametangia)

motile cells are heterokont motile cells, if present, isokont with whiplash flagellae