Range Management (RAM) 436a/536a

Spring Semester, MW 9–10 a.m.


This course examines how herbivores interact with their environment and how to apply this knowledge to managing grazing animals and their habitat. Emphasis is placed on the scientific basis for grazing management decisions and management designed to accomplish a variety of outcomes.

Course Web Site

The web site for RAM 436a/536a is password protected and is only accessible by students enrolled in the course. However, I invite you to download a PDF of the syllabus and contact me if you would like to discuss the course.

Outlook in this Course


This course considers a variety of environments. Most emphasis is placed on southern Arizona where management of large herbivores in desert grassland environments is very common. Demands are for multiple use are often great in these envrironments.


This course considers a variety of grazers including large and small animals both wild and domesticated.


This course examines execution of grazing management actions based on our undertanding of current ecological conditions at a site and the likely consequences of these actions on such conditions.