Ecologically Sane Pest Control - Part 6

C. Physically destroy or remove the pest.

1. Clean the bark - After putting down a ground cloth, scrape the loose bark from the trunk of the tree or use a stiff brush and soapy water to scrub it down. You may be surprised at how many pests you dislodge. Gather up the drop cloth and dispose of pests immediately.

2. Dormant Oil - This is a fine horticultural oil that is applied to trees in the spring before bud break to suffocate overwintering eggs, pupae, and larvae.

3. Forceful water spray - Using a hard spray of water from the garden hose will dislodge many pests from your trees, shrubs, and plants. Sometimes they will simply go away, but often it is best to go ahead and dispose of them promptly yourself. Just be careful that the force of the water is not enough to damage the plant itself.

4. Handpick - This may not work if you have millions of pests, but if you keep a close eye on your crops you often keep the pest populations low by catching them promptly. Simply use your thumb and forefinger to squash the pest of any or eggs that you may find. If this is a bit much, carry a container of water with a thin layer of kerosene or oil on top to drop the insect into instead.

5. Hot water - Boiling hot water is not recommended for spraying your veggies with, but can be fairly effective when poured on hills of Carpenter or Fire Ants.

6. Mineral Oil - Place a few drops of oil into the tips of corn ears after the tassels wilt to smother corn earworms.

7. Probe holes - Use a stiff piece of wire to probe into any holes you may find in your trees or squash vines. Often you will kill the borer that made the hole in the first place.

8. Soap and water - Mix pure soap (NOT detergent!) and water and spray on your plants in the early morning or evening. It will wash off many pests and immediately kill many more. Let it stay for a few hours or overnight but wash off with pure water before the hot sun hits it since it may cause damage to the plant.

9. Salt - Sprinkle salt on any snails or slugs you find and they will die without you having to touch them.


To be continued...


July, 1991