IK Photo Log

The University of Arizona
Department of Soil, Water,
and Environmental Science

Selected Photos For IK Revegetation Phase II   Study 2011

click on photo to enlarge and/or view additional images

C = compost.    Eash plot seeded with all of the following species;
BG = Buffalo Grass, AF = Ariz. Fescue, M = Mesquite, A = Acacia, QB = Quail bush

Plot Survey August, 2011. Photo layout same as plot orientation.
Select photo for additional Images.

Plot 1; 15% C
{a} {b}{c}

Plot 2; 10%C, seed w/pgpb

Plot 3; 15% C, seed w/pgpb

Plot 4; 15% C
{a} {b}

Plot 8; 15% C, seed w/pgpb
{a} {b}{c}

Plot 7; 10%C

Plot 6; 10%C, seed w/pgpb
{a} {b}{c} {d}

Plot 5; 15% C, seed w/pgpb

Plot 9; 10%C
{a} {b}{c}

Plot 10; 15% C, seed w/pgpb
{a} {b}{c}

Plot 11; 15% C
{a} {b}{c}

Plot 12; 10%C, seed w/pgpb
{a} {b}{c}

Plot 16; 10%C, seed w/pgpb
{a} {b}{c} {d}{e}

Plot 15; 15% C
{a} {b}{c}

Plot 14; 10%C
{a} {b}{c}

Plot 13; 10%C
{a} {b}{c}

Plot 17; 15% C, with lime
{a} {b}{c} {d}{e}

Plot 18; 10% C, with lime
{a} {b}{c}{d}

Plot 19; 10% C, with lime
{a} {b}{c}

Plot 20; 15% C, with lime
{a} {b}{c}{d}{e}

Plot 24; 15% C, with lime
{a} {b}{c}

Plot 23; 10% C, with lime
{a} {b}{c}{d}

Plot 22; 15% C, with lime
{a} {b}{c}{d}

Plot 21; 10% C, with lime
{a} {b}{c}{d}

Selected photos for August 2011

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