Acacia cana

Botanical Name

Acacia cana Maiden

Common Name(s)

  • cabbage-tree wattle

Legume Clades

Native Geographic Range

  • Australia

IUCN Status

Growth Form


Cultivation Status in AZ

Uniquely cultivated by DELEP


Evergreen shrubs or trees 13—20 ft (4—6 m) high with a densely branched, spreading canopy. The bark of older stems is brown and finely fissured. The phyllodes (leaves) are silvery due to a covering of fine hairs, are lance-shaped to narrowly elliptic, and are 2—5.5 in (5—13 cm) long with a sharp point. Flowers are golden-yellow and are produced in small, spherical heads. Flowering takes place in late winter and early spring.


Confined to a rather small area of northwestern New South Wales and adjacent Queensland, Australia. It occurs along watercourses and on plains and low hills often in nearly pure stands.


The species is reported to accumulate selenium.


Cabbage-tree wattle is suitable as an informal hedge or screen for large spaces and can be planted as a wind break. Older plants can naturally develop a “bonsai” appearance with twisted trunks and limbs. The silvery foliage is attractive. The plants can be pruned to control size and encourage a tree-form. This species is hardy to at least 18° F (-7.7° C). No pest or disease problems have been noted and litter is minimal. Established plants are highly drought resistant. This species is not currently grown by commercial nurseries in the U.S.