graduate students


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Alex Buckisch


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Miguel Grageda-Garcia


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Henry Mwape


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Stephanie Doerries


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Brett Blum


undergraduate researchers

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Briana Betke

Briana worked for several years in the lab on many species and was also a Doris Duke Conservation Scholar.  Briana is now in a PhD program at the Univeristy of Texas looking at the effects of urbanizaiton on zoonotic disease.

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Quint Doan

Quint examined grizzly bear and black bear diets in Yellowstone.  After a perfect score on the LSAT, Quint has stared at Law program at Standford.

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Heatherlee Leary

Heatherlee explored wolf pack size and anthropgoenic mortality, partly as a Doris Duke Conservation Scholar.

post-doctoral researchers

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Sam Chambers

Sam is now a Assistant Research Scientist with the College of Architecture, Planning, and Landscape Architecture at the University of Arizona

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Aaron Foley

Aaron is no at the Casear Kleberg Wildlife Research Institue