Additional Research Datasets

This page provides access to Additional Research Datasets from ongoing and past projects conducted on the Santa Rita Experimental Range (SRER). Data include photos, datasets, spatial data, maps, etc.

The projects listed in the table below:

  • collected data on the SRER;
  • created repositories for those data and made them available for users on external websites.

Researchers that want to see their projects listed on this page can submit their applications to
Alessandra Gorlier (

author/institution Topic dataset description link email address
Gillan, Jeffrey - UA
Gillan et al. 2019
Estimating Forage Utilization with Drone-Based Photogrammetric Point Clouds Raw Images and RTK-GPS Ground Control Points CyVerse Data Commons
Gillan, Jeffrey - UA
Gillan et al. 2021

Innovations to expand drone data collection and analysis for rangeland monitoring

Raw Imagery, Point Clouds, Digital Surface and Terrain Models, VHMs, Orthomosaics, and Software Codes

CyVerse Data Commons
Nichols, Mary - USDA ARS The impact of rock check dams in southern Arizona Repeat Photos and Publication Archive Rangeland Restoration Research (
Rutherford, Austin W. - UA
Rutherford and Archer 2022
Trait responses of a grassland shrub invader to altered moisture regimes Vegetation and Soil Data and R scripts Zenodo GitHub repo
Throop, Heather - ASU
Heather et al. 2020
Soil organic carbon in drylands: shrub encroachment and vegetation management effects dwarf those of livestock grazing Soil Carbon, Nitrogen, and Bulk Density Data Dryad Data
Throop, Heather - ASU
Davis et al. 2022
Data to accompany: Seedling responses to soil moisture amount versus pulse frequency in a dominant semi-arid shrub Leaf-level Gas Exchange Data Dryad Data
Throop, Heather - ASU
Heather et al. 2022
Shrub influence on soil carbon and nitrogen in a semi-arid grassland is mediated by precipitation and largely insensitive to livestock grazing Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Data Dryad Data