Zebra/Quagga Mussel Control

Lower Colorado River Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force







Management Practices

•  Best Management Practices

- Physical removal: scraping, pressure washing with hot water
- Biological controls: molluscivorous Black Carp though currently listed as injurious species
- Chemical options: chlorine addition

•  Pros and Cons of management options


- Physical removal is strenuous and a lengthy process.
- Biological controls can interfere with the ecosystem balance.
- Chemical options may harm native species

•  Management practices by location

•  Prevention!

-Adding potassium to bodies of water can help control zebra/quagga mussel populations and won't harm the fishes (dosages listed by Army Corps of Engineers)

- The Southwest Coordinating Group (SWCG, a collaboration of several agencies) has created and enforced a protocol for fire operations to prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species in the southwest.

- Letter from SWCG to Southwest Fire Agencies and Incident Management Teams
- AIS Operational Guidelines for AIS Prevention
- AIS Technical Guidelines for AIS Prevention
- AIS Request for New SW Cach Item

Copyright © 2009 Lower Colorado River Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force