Effective Youth Organizations

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at the University of Arizona




  1. A youth organization must be financially independent if it is to make its best possible contribution to the lives of the members and to the community.

  2. Although earning money should not be an end in itself, it is an important consideration in planning the program of activities.

  3. Planning the organization’s program of activities without considering money is like building castles in the sand.

  4. Unless your ideas are backed up with money when it is needed, your program cannot be effective.

  5. The best time to develop your chapter budget is when you plan the program of activities.

Suggested Steps for Preparing a Budget

  1. President appoint a budget committee at the time Program of Activities committees are appointed.

    1. Could be earnings, savings and investments committee

    2. Treasurer should be a member

  2. Before final revision of the program each committee of Program of Activities reports to the budget committee the estimated income and expenditures for each proposed activity.

  3. Budget committee prepares a tentative budget from information supplied by each committee of Program of Activities. The budget committee then works out with each division any necessary adjustments for balancing the chapter budget.

  4. The budget committee presents its report to the chapter for consideration before final adoption of the Program of Activities.

  5. Once approved, the budget is recorded in the treasurer’s book and in the minutes of the meeting. A copy of the budget should be included in Program of Activities under "Earnings, Savings, and Investments" division.

Keep These Points in Mind as You Plan Fund Raising Activities

  1. Have the organization pay its own way.

  2. Keep dues within the reach of all members. (If you have an active group, you cannot operate on dues alone.)

  3. Find out school or other organization policies relative to fund-raising and abide by them.

  4. Keep in mind the customs of your committee and do not oppose them.

  5. When you sell goods or services, give your patrons their money’s worth.

  6. Avoid competition with established local businesses.

  7. Be business-like. Undertake only those activities that will give a reasonable return for effort expended.

  8. Measure your fund-raising activities against the same standards you use in determining the worth of other activities for your organization.

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Send questions about this website to Denise Davies at ddavies@ag.arizona.edu.   For course information or questions not included in these pages contact Dr. James Knight. Copyright (c) 1998 Department of Agricultural Education, The University of Arizona.  Website version 1.2, last updated on Thursday, August 16, 2001.