Effective Youth Organizations

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at the University of Arizona



  1. Develop a balanced and challenging program of activities -- planned by members.

  2. Plan programs on a monthly basis and have as many meetings and activities definitely scheduled as possible on the calendar at the beginning of the new year.

  3. Print copies of the Program of Activities and other important facts of the organization. Provide each member with a copy.

  4. Use a standing committee for each division of the program -- the committee will give special attention to the planning and conducting of their area of activities.

  5. Make effective use of all committees:

    Select wisely:

    Executive Committee or President
    An experienced chairman
    Others who will work and need experience
    Consider capacity, interest, time, need

    Inform them of their specific duty

    What to do, how, when

    See that responsibilities are properly shared

    Supervise the work - see that they function

    Commend and insist

    Have progress reports

    Discharge when finished or failed.

  6. Plan and conduct an effective, annual officer development program.

  7. Hold regular meetings of the Executive Committee.

    Plan meetings
    Develop skills and abilities
  8. Post program of activities on bulletin board -- check accomplishments as completed.

  9. Place agenda of meetings on bulletin board.

  10. Develop informed members -- use quizzes; study by-laws, manuals, parliamentary procedure, etc.

  11. Give awards, recognition, publicity, praise -- use point system and other competitive devices. Try to get all members to succeed in one or more activities.

  12. Keep an individual record for each student -- maintain a cumulative record and supplemental data.

  13. Cooperate with other local organizations in county and district organized activities.
  14. Participate in such activities as State Leadership Conference, Field Days, etc. -- get inspired.
  15. Develop competence as an advisor.

    Be informed, able and inspiring. Know members - how they grow and respond. Be fair and tactful.

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Syllabus  Written Assignments  Outside Lab Assignments  What is Leadership?  Self Concept   Parliamentary Procedure  Leadership Ideas  Win/Lose   Power  What is an Advisor?  What is a Program of Activities?  Effective Youth Organizations  Selecting/Electing Officers  Officer Guidelines

Send questions about this website to Denise Davies at ddavies@ag.arizona.edu.   For course information or questions not included in these pages contact Dr. James Knight. Copyright (c) 1998 Department of Agricultural Education, The University of Arizona.  Website version 1.2, last updated on Thursday, August 16, 2001.