Sierra Vista Area Plant List

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The Sierra Vista Area Plant List, with common name, botanical name, and other plant information
Botanical Name Common Name Size Water Usesort descending Sun Exposure Native Plant? Evergreen? Remarks
Cupressus forbesii Tecate Cypress 10-25'H 20'W Little to moderate Full sun No Yes

Tree - Flammable - Fast grower - Keep on dry side so it won't grow so fast that it will topple

Calylophus spp. Sundrops 1.5 'H 2' W Little to moderate Full sun, Partial shade Yes No

Some Perennial - Flame resistant - Prune just before spring growth begins - Flowers in spring and from late summer to late fall (actually into winter)

Rhus spp. Sumac See remarks Little to moderate Full sun Yes Yes

Some Native - Evergreen or deciduous Tree or Shrub - Flame resistant - Check with nursery for size and hardiness

Eriogonum umbellatum Sulfur Flower 1.5' H 3' W Little to moderate Full sun No No

Perennial - Prune to shape when plants are young

Dalea pulchra Smoke Bush, Indigo Bush 8'H 5'W Little to moderate Full sun Yes Yes

Shrub - Spectacular spring bloom of purple flower clusters - Allow ample room to grow

Quercus hypoleucoides Silverleaf Oak 40' H 35' W Little to moderate Full sun Yes Yes

Semi- Tree - Leaves silvery white and woolly underneath - Sheds leaves in spring

Cassia wislizenii Shrubby Senna 5-8'H 5-10-'W Little to moderate Full sun Yes No

Deciduous Shrub - Brilliant yellow flowers in late summer

Sedum spp. Sedum, Stonecrop See remarks Little to moderate Full sun, Partial shade Yes Yes

Some Perennial - Flame resistant - Many species - Check nursery for sizes - Will not take foot traffic

Cupressus sempervirens Italian Cypress 60H 10'W Little to moderate Full sun No Yes

Tree - Flammable - Several varieties available

Olea europaea Olive 'Swan Hill' 25-30' H&W Little to moderate Full sun No Yes

Tree - Marginal - This is a sterile variety - Non-sterile varieties stain pavement and lawns and are allergenic

Nerium oleander Oleander 3-20'H 4-12'W Little to moderate Full sun No No

Evergree Shrub - Flame resistant - Toxic, all parts poisonous if ingested. Don't burn prunings, smoke can cause severe irritation - Routine pruning not necessary

Artemisia stellerana Old Woman, Dusty Miller 2.5' 'H 3'W Little to moderate Full sun No Yes


Myrtus communis Myrtle 5-6'' H 4-5' W Little to moderate Full sun, Partial shade No Yes

Shrub - Flame resistant - Many named selections - Check with nursery for size and hardiness

Achillea 'moonshine' Moonshine Yarrow 1.5' - 2' H 2' W Little to moderate Full sun No Yes

Perennials - Flame resistant - Silver-gray foliage, deep yellow flowers

Arctostaphylos pungens Manzanita 6' H & W Little to moderate Full sun, Partial shade Yes Yes

Shrub - Smooth red bark and crooked branches - Berries attract birds
