Search for Legume Taxa

Search for taxa represented in the DELEP holdings. Click on the scientific name of a taxon to see its taxon profile!

Taxon Subfamily Common name(s) Growth Form Native Geographic Range No. Seed Accessionssort ascending No. Living Accessions
Virgilia divaricata
  • blossom tree
  • keurboom (Afrikaans)
1 0
Wiborgia monoptera
Papilionoideae 1 0
Xanthocercis zambesiaca
  • nyala tree
  • muchetuchetu (Shona)
  • muhlati (Shangaan)
1 2
Xeroderris stuhlmannii
  • wing pod
  • mudzungu (Shona)
  • umthundulu (Ndebele)
1 1
Zapoteca tetragona
Caesalpinioideae 1 0
Zornia milneana
Papilionoideae 1 0