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Quint Doan

Quint Doan is a National Merit Scholar that studies Natural Resources at the University of Arizona. His areas of interests include predation, conservation biology, and community ecology. In addition to his academic projects, he guides whitewater tours on the Salt River in Arizona and the Arkansas River in Colorado.

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big question

Quint’s undergraduate research provides insight into the diet and physiology of grizzly bear within Yellowstone National Park using non-invasive surveys of fecal samples. The analysis incorporates ELISA hormone and dietary assays through spectrometry as well as data processing in Microsoft Excel and R. The findings aim to establish non-invasive fecal sampling as a metric of dietary and ecosystem state in wild ranging populations of grizzly bear.

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Quint is overlaying bear scat locations on habitat and phenology data sets to better understand how diet quality is influenced by seasonal trends and bear movement.  He is exploring the relationships between bear stress levels and diet quality to understand how a changing yellowstone climate may influence species with wide dietary niches.

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Quint hopes to pursue graduate degrees in Wildlife Management upon graduation in 2017. He plans to research predator and prey interactions within large mammals. He looks forward to a career exploring ecological questions in wild places.

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