University of Arizona

Western IPM Center Grants


This page lists current UA projects funded through the Western IPM Center. For more information about the Western IPM Center Grants program visit their Funding Opportunities website.


Arid Southwest IPM Network

Ellsworth, P., A. Fournier, J. Palumbo, P. Baker. Collaborators: M. Rethwisch (UC), J. Davison (UNR) S. Bundy (NMSU). Arid Southwest IPM Network. $25,000 (Jan 2007 – Dec 2007).

Project Abstract:

We propose to continue and expand the multi-state (AZ, NM, NV, CA), multi-institutional, and multi-disciplinary Arid Southwest IPM Network (ASIPMN) previously established under this program as the primary information source for pest, pesticide, and pest management inquiries generated at the state, regional, and federal levels, as the system through which diverse interests in IPM come together and identify needs, and for fully participating in WRPMC objectives and priorities (e.g., crop profiles, pest management strategic plans). By leveraging other in-house and extramural sources, we now have a dedicated, appointed faculty position to act as Director of the Arizona Pest Management Center and the ASIPMN, which will allow us to continue to meet these priorities by focusing our financial and human resources on these objectives.


  1. In collaboration with scientists and stakeholders throughout the southwest (AZ, NM, NV, and southern CA), we will serve as the primary and timely information source for USDA, EPA, and other state, regional, and federal interests regarding pest, pesticide and pest management issues in our multi-state area.
  2. In concert with the APMC, we will use this new structure to assemble diverse interests in IPM to identify critical issues facing our clientele and prioritize programs of response.
  3. In co-sponsorship with the WRIPM Center, the APMC will also serve as host and co-sponsor for a multi-disciplinary web site for the ASIPMN to address the specific needs of this network, to respond quickly to state, regional, and federal inquiries, and to inventory center and network projects, personnel contacts, and other matters of interest to our stakeholders.
  4. With this infrastructure established and through our membership, we will facilitate and participate in Western region objectives and priorities including the development of IPM surveys, crop profiles and Pest Management Strategic Plans (PMSPs).

For more information about this project, please visit the Arid Southwest IPM Network website.


Crop Insect Losses and Impact Assessment Working Group

Ellsworth, P., A. Fournier, J. Palumbo. Crop Insect Losses and Impact Assessment Working Group. $14,000 (Mar 2007 - Sept 2008).

Project Abstract:

We propose to continue and expand our current multi-state, multi-institutional Crop Insect Losses & Impact Assessment Working Group, which facilitates interaction among stakeholders and colleagues for the purpose of developing tools and techniques for measuring insecticide use patterns, insect-related losses and control costs, and other impacts of pest management tactics on crop production. Impact assessment is central to the evolution and evaluation of our IPM programs. Quantifiable metrics on insecticide use patterns, costs, targets, and frequency, crop losses due to stressors of yield and quality, and other real world economic data are our most objective tools for assessing change in our systems. Our recent efforts have been organized around cotton, melons, and leafy vegetables in Arizona and portions of California. The current proposal will enable us to continue, improve and expand this effort, including the development and implementation of alfalfa insect losses workshops in Arizona and California in the coming year.


  1. In collaboration with scientists and stakeholders throughout the low desert areas of AZ and southern CA, we will serve as the forum for discussion and development of crop insect loss and impact assessment in key economic crops of this region, including
    • Cotton
    • Lettuce
    • Melons (watermelon and cantaloupe)
    • Alfalfa
  2. Under the auspices of the APMC and with the facilitation of its Manager, we will periodically assemble diverse sources of information and perspective in the evaluation of crop losses and the associated causes and underlying costs.
  3. We will serve as a clearinghouse for developed information and metrics on crop insect loss and impact assessment for the benefit of assessments of other pest groups and in new areas of the West and beyond.
    • We will address all Federal, state and local requests for information on the impacts of insects or insecticides in our key crops.
    • We will assist others in the extension of this process as a model for development of additional stakeholder-derived data as requested.
    • We will post summarized data on crop insect losses to a dedicate webpage, making these data available worldwide.

For more information about this project, please contact Peter Ellsworth.


Western Region School IPM Implementation and Assessment Work Group

Gouge, D. J. Snyder, A. Fournier, P. Baker, C. Foss (WSU), T. Stock (OSU), W. Lanier (MSU). Western Region School IPM Implementation and Assessment Work Group. $10,000 (Jan 2007 – Dec 2007).

Project Abstract:

Children sustain greater exposure to pesticides than adults and are the most sensitive group in society; children of school age spend approximately six hours each work day in the school environment. Western school IPM programs have been outpaced by rapid urban growth, and out competed by local funds where agriculture predominates. Cultural, economic, and geographic elements have resulted in a fragmented environment for western school IPM programs; very little communication and almost no collaboration or overlap exists between programs. A Western Region School IPM Implementation and Assessment Work Group will create a forum by which these isolated programs work collectively with the pest management industry, non-profits, federal government, state agencies, and school staff to identify the region’s stakeholder needs, reduce duplication of efforts, and address IPM standardization opportunities. These objectives will involve collaborations with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (U.S. EPA) “National School IPM Toolbox” project, and the Western Region Structural Pest IPM Work Group.


  1. Form a work group. Establish a Western Region School IPM Implementation and Assessment Work Group to facilitate efficient, sustainable implementation of school IPM across the western United States.
  2. Invite stakeholder input to identify needs. Through work group dialog and with stakeholder input, we will document the extent of existing western school IPM programs and identify implementation obstacles (such as funding sources). We will identify the region’s stakeholder needs, and determine how diverse work group participants can best engage in collaborative efforts to address these needs.
  3. Discuss the potential for developing standards for school IPM practices.
  4. Assess existing school IPM implementation tools. The work group will assess five (5) school IPM implementation “tools” previously developed by UA Urban IPM staff for a US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) “IPM Toolbox” project. The work group will collect “Real world” input from school staff throughout the Western region on the usefulness of these IPM tools, which will be used to refine and improve these products.

For more information about this project, please contact Dawn Gouge.


Pest Management Strategic Plan for IPM in Schools

Green, T., D. Gouge, A. Fournier. Pest Management Strategic Plan for IPM in Schools. $10,000 (July 2006 – June 2008).

Project Abstract:

Schools deserve special attention in reducing both pest and pesticide hazards. Nearly 54 million children and six million adult staff average 30 to 50 hours per week in schools. Pest problems include rodents, insects, birds and microbes. Exposure to both pests and pesticides has been associated with asthma and other illnesses in children. Children are more vulnerable than adults to specific environmental toxicants including some pesticides. Reductions in both pesticide use and pest complaints on the order of 85% to 92% are achievable with no increase in long-term costs by improved sanitation, maintenance and monitoring, and by selecting less toxic pesticides when needed. Yet, of 20 school systems recently evaluated under the collaborative IPM STAR program, six corrected long-standing pest problems; eight corrected violations of laws, regulations or school policy; five eliminated routine, calendar-based pesticide applications made regardless of need; eight eliminated unsecured and/or unauthorized storage of pesticides on school property; and three properly disposed of pesticides not registered for use in schools including DDT. Four ended use of pesticides with “Danger” or “Warning” signal words, nine discontinued use of pesticides containing neurotoxins and 13 eliminated pesticides containing possible, probable, likely, or known carcinogens and/or reproductive/developmental toxins.

We propose to develop a consensus national PMSP for schools to better coordinate efforts, identify new funders and collaborators, and improve overall results. We will involve collaborators from existing organizations representing school infrastructure (e.g., operations, environmental health, and risk managers, school health professionals, school architects) and determine how best to work with them to insert IPM into their normal routines (e.g., continuing education requirements, organizational committees, regular workshops at organizational meetings, columns in their publications, connections with indoor air quality and green building programs, etc.). We expect to address regional differences in pests and strategies very adequately within a single PMSP, efficiently using requested funds.


  1. Assemble a broad stakeholder group
  2. Complete a Pest Management Strategic Plan for IPM in Schools
  3. Improve collaborations among stakeholders
  4. Involve new stakeholders and their organizations to increase IPM awareness and adoption.

For more information about this project, please contact Dawn Gouge.





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College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
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